Your browser: - Your browser is an indispensable tool that should be simply the best if you want to get the maximum speed (download and surfing the internet). If you browser is very heavy and is not able to process the things or WebPages rapidly the download or total PC speed will be very slow. So opt for a browser that is nice indeed. Google’s chrome is the best example of it.
Speed from your ISP’s end: - This is another facet of the internet connection speed. If you have tried everything else and still the speed is poor you need to contact your Internet service provider. It is because if the speed is restricted by many means from the ISP’s end it won’t be regained unless and until they rectify it.
Browsing cookies and temporary files: - Over time using the web browser it accumulates many temporary files and cookies. If these are very high in number they affect the total performance of the browser and resulting in low speed. You may simply delete these unwanted files and speedup you download speed and overall the internet connection speed. Here you can also use a good PC optimizer program to remove such unnecessary files.
Firewall programs: - Firewall programs are very essential for security purpose in your PC. They help us to protect our PCs from any external infection. However sometime few firewall programs are there that resist many entries or items from being download to your PC. In this case you may lower down the security settings of the firewall programs. This will certainly help to get better download and overall Internet speed.
Use a good antivirus or security program always: - Virus, spyware, worm, Trojan horse etc are the most dangerous security threat programs for any PC. If there is any infection in your PC it will certainly not affect the Internet speed but also may stop it and sometime harm the entire computer system. Using a good antivirus program resolves this issue officially. However I cannot ignore the fact that sometime we may need to eliminate some malicious entries manually as well. Apart from this you may also use any good PC optimizer program to remove entries from your system especially from the windows registry.
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