Here are some important tips on how to make your slow computer run faster.
There are lots of reasons as to why our computer becomes slow gradually or sometime suddenly. You may start to notice noises coming from your hard drive or every time you click on a program it takes ages to start the programs. These are the common problems with today’s almost all computers.
I have collected the major points or factors that may help you to overcome slow pc problem.
Defrag your hard drive- We can compare our hard drive as a cabinet. Every time you go in to access files they get put out of place. Over a time all the files get scattered and while you go back and search for a file you will take longer time than expected. Defragging the hard drive is basically like going back in and putting all the files back where they belong. The same task can also be performed with the help of a good Disk Defragment program.
Repair and clean your Registry- Windows Registry is one of the most sensitive components in all Windows systems. A registry can be described as the database that contains all of the settings and options. It is very susceptible towards all kinds of infections and malicious items. Changing a registry manually is not recommended. We suggest using a good pc cleaner program.
Add an additional RAM- Adding an additional RAM certainly helps to achieve the performance. We recommend adding an additional RAM (random access memory) to your existing system. This will help speed up a slow computer and help you access files faster and more proficiently.
Run Windows all built in tools and utilities- Windows is very rich with many tools and utilities that are capable enough to clean and stabilize your system. Few of the Windows basic tools are:-
Disk clean up
Disk checker
Sfc /scannow
Installed Windows updates
Try keeping your computer cool helps a lot. All the heat related issues may affect your system adversely. Heat is a big factor in lost performance with computers. Keep the fans on the computer clean and free of dust.
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